Es sind übereinandergestapelte Würfel mit verschiedenen Smileys zu sehen. Dazu der Satz "Was ist hier los?!"

Selbsthilfegruppe in englischer Sprache

Self-help for relatives and friends of people with mental crises

Nothing is as it was? Nobody really understands? You feel alone and lost because someone you care about seems to be going “mental”?
Come along to our group to talk, listen, share. We are all in a similar situation with someone very dear to us going through psychological crises  – until we ourselves get into a crises. So let’s get together to make things feel much more bearable as we see that others have similar problems and inspire each other to deal with them differently.

Come along:
every 1st Monday of the month at 19.00pm

Brotfabrik, Caligariplatz 1, 13086 Berlin

Please get in touch with us before taking part for the first time:

Phone: 030 86 39 57 03